Accessing Vacant Land

Unused Terrain

We access vacant land in Vancouver. We are identifying vacant sites with the goal to empower and mobilize communities around a common vision that is portable, scaleable and for interim temporary use with the objective of increasing neighbourhood social capital.

What we have done

We have created a toolkit for site activation that can be used by both site activators and site owners to facilitate the process of site activation. Unused Terrain’s site activation toolkit sets out the general and necessary steps to enable stakeholders to successfully undertake temporary projects on unused sites.

The toolkit provides general information and important consideration for stakeholders about the site identification and activation process, including such considerations as: obtaining permits, zoning, insurance, community considerations, health and safety considerations, etc.

Check out the Unused Terrain Toolkit here.

Next Steps

We will continue to share our toolkit with communities that would benefit from using vacant land.


Our Impact

We have used this newsletter to successfully promote our project:

Skills, Attitudes and Habits Acquired

The skills we acquired include networking, information gathering, and project promotion. We learned that commitment is difficult and communication is key in successful partnerships. We also learned that achieving goals requires patience and persistence. 

For more information, check out our website HERE.